New PEER country profiles on climate change education Released in time for the COP26 taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, the GEM Report and the Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) project have released 20 new PEER country profiles on climate change education. A second set of 50 profiles will be published in time for the COP27 in 2022, along with a policy paper analysing global trends. The mapping suggests that only 40% of national education laws and 45% of education sector plans or strategies in the 20 countries explicitly refer to climate change education. References are mainly found at primary and secondary education levels (90%). Fewer countries have frameworks to support climate change education in TVET (70%), higher education (70%) and teacher training education (55 %). Moreover, just over a third of countries have a law, strategy, or plan specifically on climate change education.
Call for proposals for the 2022 GEM Report Fellowship programme now open This is the fourth round of the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Fellowship Programme, funded by the Open Society Foundation. The programme supports researchers who aim to bring a novel perspective to comparative and international education to aid the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, the global education goal. The deadline for application for the 2022 programme is the 1st December. The review process will last for two months, with an expected start date for the new round of Fellows on 1 February 2022. Find out more about the selection criteria and how to apply here. Read about our previous fellows and their papers
Join our consultation Already three consultations have taken place with over 200 participants and ten more are being planned to hear your views on the concept note for the forthcoming 2023 GEM Report on technology and education. An online consultation is also underway for those who would prefer to send their views online. All are invited to provide feedback on the concept note, suggest relevant evidence for the theme or new areas of research to be explored.
Join us at future GEM Report events
12 November - a side event at the UNESCO General Conference on benchmarks to progress towards SDG4 joint with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Register here
23 November - Launch of the ADEA and GEM Report Spotlight series on Foundational Learning in Africa at the 2nd ADEA High-Level Policy Dialogue Forum
8 December - Presentation during the WISE Summit - Searching in the dark: monitoring SDG 4 in the post-COVID reality
12 December - Launch event for the 2021/2 GEM Report at the RewirEd Summit.
Stay tuned for more details on 2021/2 GEM Report national launch events already planned for Latvia, Switzerland, Germany, Finland and the Basque Country, amongst others.