Positive Action is offering an autumn training timetable for October to December 2019. They are offering a range of open courses on migrants' rights in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling. They can deliver all those courses in-house too, as well as their in-house Equality and Diversity courses, including the new Communicating Through Interpreters course. Uncertainty around Brexit allows rumour and misinformation about how EU nationals' rights will change to flourish - the EU Settlement Scheme adds another layer of complexity and uncertainty. Positive Action updated Rights and Entitlements of European Economic Area Nationals course gives staff the information they need to to identify EU customers' immigration status. Positive Action's course will help prevent unnecessary poverty, rent arrears and evictions. While the Immigration Rules are more complex than ever, housing providers accommodate people with a very wide range of immigration statuses, from EEA nationals, to refugees with limited leave to remain, to people with work visas. Some tenants have full access to welfare benefits, some have limited access and some have “No Public Funds” stamps, but it is not always obvious which and circumstances change. Maintaining tenancies in these circumstances can be difficult for everyone involved. The half-day No Recourse To Public Funds workshop will help frontline workers identify a tenant’s current status, clarify what this means in terms of access to public funds and plan effective support where difficulties arise. Now that all Scottish Local Authorities are hosting refugees, service providers throughout Scotland should have an awareness of issues affecting refugees and asylum seekers. Positive Action's Rights of Refugee and Asylum Seekers course explores how the asylum system works from the perspective of a claimant and the process involved in making a claim for asylum. The course also examines the barriers faced by both refugees and asylum seekers building a new life in Scotland and their respective entitlement to services. All these courses cost £100 per participant, including refreshments, and there's a 50% discount for Positive Action in Housing members. Bookings are available online for courses in April to June 2019. Positive Action also offer a range of half-day Equality and Diversity courses they can run in-house for organisations trying to develop more accessible and responsive services and working environments: Click here for more information about courses and bookings:http://www.paih.org/training/?utm_source=Contacts&utm_campaign=aa69ec254d-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_18_09_30&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ca1250e516-aa69ec254d-118124183 To discuss tailor made in-house training, just drop an email to training@positiveactionh.org or call 0141 353 2220.