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Motion Submitted to Recognize Ambassador Elayne White Gomez


On 12 January, 2018, MSP Bill Kid entered a motion at Scottish Parliament to congratulate Ambassador Elayne White Gomez of Costa Rica for her achievement of the award of 2017 Arms Control Person of the Year. The motion text reads:

"That the Parliament congratulates Ambassador Elayne White Gomez of Costa Rica and diplomats from the disarmament delegations of Austria, Brazil, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand and South Africa on receiving the title, 2017 Arms Control Person(s) of the Year; notes that this was awarded for their leadership in advancing effective arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament solutions; further notes that this leadership was highlighted by the adoption and accession of the historic UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and highlights that this year's contest received the most voter participants in the history of the contest, illustrating the growth in awareness of WMD issues, which has been attributed to the success of the UN treaty."

The motion was supported by MSPs Ruth Maguire, Joan McAlpine, Ash Denham, Stewart Stevenson, Clare Haughey, Richard Lyle, Stuart McMillan, John Finnie, Tom Arthur, Gillian Martin, John Mason, Bob Doris, Sandra White, and David Torrance.

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