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UNHS Statement on United Nations Day

Gari Donn

"Today the UN continues to make a vital contribution to our collective security by providing a forum for countries to solve problems through diplomacy. It is also a lifeline for millions of people. If we are to tackle global challenges like climate change and mass displacement we need to invest in the UN. It isn't perfect but it's the best tool we've got." -Dabir Tehrani, member of UNA Edinburgh and UNA Scotland

Each 24 October the UN celebrates that day in 1945 when delegates from 50 nations and from every continent convened in San Francisco to sign and ratify the UN Charter. The United Nations was born and, guided by its Charter, began the pursuit of its challenging goals: to save succeeding generations from war and to promote human rights, social progress and better standards of life for all.

As the Charter states: We the Peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.

At UN House Scotland we work to the aims of the Charter from our grassroots base and, through collaboration, communication and contribution we promote the three pillars of the UN - Human Rights, Sustainable Development and Peace and Security.

Our work on this last pillar has been especially profound in recent months as we have worked with others at home and in New York, on the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) to establish a Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. ICAN, the civil society driving force behind this OEWG, and a Partner Organisation of UNHouse Scotland, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. How excited we were to hear of this and to celebrate their achievement, on 20 September, of the coming into force Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons. But as we know, the work now starts to create not just a moral and legal framework, but also a political imperative to prohibit and decommission all nuclear weapons.

UNHouse Scotland is committed to creating these imperatives at Holyrood, Westminster and beyond, to uphold our commitment to the three pillars of the UN. In honor of this United Nations Day, we ask that you join us in this effort by volunteering with us, sustainable development organisations in your communities, or by donating to UNHS so we may continue our important work.

Happy United Nations Day!

-Dr. Gari Donn

Executive Director

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