Parliamentary One Pagers
Communicate, Collaborate, Contribute
The Parliamentary One Pager (POP) is a communiqué linking the UNHS Database of experts with Members of Scottish Parliament (MSPs). UNHS monitors and identifies current key issues circulating through Parliament relevant to UN goals and values– inevitably one or more of the 17 SDGs. Our interns then identify vital questions about the issue and pose them to our SCISA database of experts. Using their expertise, the UNHS interns then provide easy-to-read data and information to MSPs for deliberation within parliament, positively influencing the trajectory of discussion.
Are you an expert in an SDG related field and interested in contributing to the POP?
Forced Climate Migration POP
Current POP
Past POPs
Forced Climate Migration POP
Scottish Languages Parliamentary One Pager
Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill POP
Disabled Children And Young People Bill - Parliamentary One Pager
Mitigating the Risks of Human Trafficking Among Ukrainian Refugees: Roundtable Resources
Child Poverty and Human Rights POP
Good Food Nation Bill POP
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) Parliamentary One-Pager
POP on Banning Conversion Therapy in Scotland
Human Rights in Securing Justice and Enhanced Wellbeing in Scotland POP
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons POP
Homelessness in Scotland: Challenges and Solutions
Human Trafficking POP
Homelessness in Scotland: A Comparative Perspective
Youth Climate Activism and Climate Education
POP-Conference on Women's Mental Health
Air Pollution Parliamentary One Pager
Mental Health Parliamentary One Pager
POP: Human Rights
POP: Is Scotland on the Path to Climate Justice?
What is R2P? (POP)
POP: Nuclear Prohibition Treaty
POP: UN Peacekeeping Day
POP: Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East
POP: Human Trafficking in Scotland
The Developing Rohingya Crisis- Parliamentary One Pager