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27 April 2018

Edinburgh Center for Carbon Innovation


Our latest conference features representatives from government, private sector, and academia, coming together to discuss Scotland's path to climate justice.

About the Event

UNHS is a proud supporter of the Paris Climate Agreement, and is dedicated to its implementation here in Scotland. Following the agreement, Scotland was the third country/sub-nation/region to pass legislation to address the global climate goals. The target, for the Scottish Government, is to be carbon neutral by 2050. In fact, the SG Consultation calls for a 90% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.



As countries shift from oil, gas, fossil fuels to renewables, governments need to ensure there are policies in place for a 'just transition'. Companies must also be held accountable for their policies and behaviour and ensure they impact positively on all that is being done to prevent increased Climate Changes. Top-down policies are important, internationally through the UN (SDG13 on Climate Change), and global agreements such as the Paris Agreement, but grassroots, bottom-up behaviour and pressure is absolutely essential


In the spirit of collaboration, UNHS hosts “Scotland’s Path to Climate Justice” to bring together representatives from all sectors and levels of Scottish society, engaging in meaningful dialogue and idea exchange. The Conferences Chairs are MSPs and attendees are drawn from public, private and civil society sectors. This event is proudly sponsored by Claudia Beamish, MSP.


**Programme is tentative and subject to change.

We recognize, however, that the Agreement’s goals cannot be achieved by government alone, and citizen involvement is critical to success. By hosting “Scotland’s Path to Climate Justice”, UNHS hopes to engage people in Scotland throughout all sections and sectors of Scottish society, to be aware of and work towards global climate justice.  For maximum success at achieving our climate goals, all sectors of society must become involved, including agriculture, business, commerce, education, health, and housing, through awareness of energy issues, impact of travel, planning regulations and development possibilities.



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