
Simen Jordsmyr
Nov 28, 20173 min read
Busy times for UN House Scotland
With several events back-to-back within the last week of November and the first weeks of December, UN House Scotland is entering the...

UN House Scotland
Nov 21, 20172 min read
UNHS Presentation on Aid Effectiveness submitted to Zambian High Commissioner to the UK
H.E. Muyeba Chikonde with Atishay Mathur at Zambia House in London In a flattering letter to Lorenzo Medici, Machiavelli anxiously offers...

Katie Armour
Nov 20, 20171 min read
The Developing Rohingya Crisis- Parliamentary One Pager
Sent to MSPs on 20 November, 2017, this POP (Parliamentary One-Pager) aims to bring the Scottish Parliament's attention to the developing...

Gari Donn
Nov 18, 20172 min read
Thinking About Poverty in Scotland
"Mothers protest at homelessness" says the placard at a demonstration in Edinburgh. I wonder: At what point do we all say, enough is...

Nov 14, 20171 min read
World Food Day Report Available Now
UNHS is proud to release our latest report, following our participation in World Food Day 2017. The report includes background on global...

Claire LeBlanc
Nov 14, 20172 min read
Modern Day Slavery: A 2017 Update
The International Labour Organization (ILO) recently released their new report, the 2017 Global Estimates on Modern Day Slavery, and the...

UN House Scotland
Nov 13, 20172 min read
Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery: Introducing the Socio-Ecological Model
Human trafficking is a multi-faceted challenge with social, political and economic dimensions, affecting various countries around the...

UN House Scotland
Nov 6, 20173 min read
Hope and the Democratisation of Governance
Gordon Brown Speaking at McEwan Hall, University of Edinburgh Speaking at the University of Edinburgh on a Sunday evening, Gordon Brown...

UNH Scotland
Nov 1, 20171 min read
UN House commissions Presentation on Effectiveness for Small Aid Programmes
United Nations House Scotland has commissioned a presentation with Atishay Mathur's research findings on the case of Scotland’s new...

Gari Donn
Oct 24, 20172 min read
UNHS Statement on United Nations Day
"Today the UN continues to make a vital contribution to our collective security by providing a forum for countries to solve problems...

UN House Scotland
Oct 13, 20173 min read
An Heir to Nehru’s India
Dr. Shashi Tharoor and Atishay Mathur (with Nehru’s Biography)on October 3rd A day after the lecture on the ‘inglorious empire’ at the...

Simen Jordsmyr
Oct 10, 20173 min read
Nukewatch Warns of Nuclear Weapons Convoys Threat
The network Nukewatch concluded that Scotland is not ready for the event of a serious accident involving a nuclear weapons convoy on its...

UN House Scotland
Oct 6, 20171 min read
UNHS Partner, ICAN, Wins 2017 Nobel Peace Prize
View Press Release UNHouse Scotland is excited by the news that our partner organisation, ICAN, has won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize! We...

UN House Scotland
Sep 28, 20171 min read
UNHS Report on the Crisis in Yemen
In May 2017, UNHS hosted a seminar and conference titled 'Yemen: The Forgotten People," focused on the ongoing conflict in Yemen....

Gari Donn
Sep 21, 20172 min read
Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons signed at UN
We live in exciting times - not least because the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons has been signed at the UN! On Wednesday 20 September...

Claire LeBlanc
Aug 3, 20173 min read
Human Trafficking: The Regional Dimension of a Global Problem
In 2015, world leaders within the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, which are 17 interrelated goals and 169...

Claire LeBlanc
Jul 30, 20172 min read
Human Trafficking: Forced Labor and Exploitation
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) captures the full spectrum of human rights abuses committed under human trafficking such as...

Claire LeBlanc
Jul 26, 20172 min read
Unjust and Underexposed: An Introduction to Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a global issue that affects developing and developed countries alike; the practice is found within the United...

Dagmar Medeiros
Jul 12, 20172 min read
Reports from New York- Nuclear Weapons Ban
Friday, 7 July, gave everyone cause for celebration, not just because it was finally the weekend, but because the United Nations adopted...

UN House Scotland
Jun 23, 20174 min read
Inclusive Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Scotland
The crisis created by the war in Syria is a multi-faceted challenge which started in 2011. As of December 2015, it was estimated that 4.3...